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2 days ago5 min read
The motherhood penalty is holding the UK back - it's time to invest in dads
New data this IWD highlights action needed to #accelerateaction towards women's equality, parental leave reform is key

Oct 17, 20245 min read
Taking the fight for a better paternity offer to Parliament
A major milestone in the movement for a better paternity offer for Britain's fathers as a coalition of organisations deliver an open letter

Jul 8, 20243 min read
How father-friendly is the new UK Labour government Cabinet?
The new Government pledged in its manifesto to make paternity leave a Day 1 right within 100 days of the election, and to undertake a...

Jun 13, 20244 min read
Britain's dads deserve a better deal: make your voice heard
Every Father’s Day, families across the country celebrate the dads who make up around 50% of Britain’s parents, and our social media...

Mar 21, 20243 min read
Looking ahead to the General Election: what do parents want?
New polling conducted by Working Families on behalf of the Families and Work Group suggests that Britain’s political parties need to...

Mar 10, 20244 min read
An insult to Britain's families: Spring 2024 tweaks to UK paternity leave
Last week we were invited to share our thoughts on the Government’s new tweaks to paternity leave. Our Deputy Chief Exec Dr Jeremy...

Feb 7, 20242 min read
Shifting deckchairs on the Titanic
Responding to the Government’s response to our ‘6 weeks for dads’ petition The Government’s response to our petition calling for six...

Jan 19, 20244 min read
Next steps for our 6 weeks for dads campaign
An update on our campaign for more and better-paid paternity and parental leave for new fathers We are delighted to report that more than...

Dec 26, 20233 min read
The everyday miracle of involved fatherhood
Whatever your religious perspective, within the Christmas story sits an everyday miracle that's often overlooked: the physical...

Dec 1, 20234 min read
Teen-ternity leave: what about the fathers?
During the last fortnight not one but three UK national newspapers have published articles about a new social trend apparently sweeping...

Nov 2, 20234 min read
Our campaign for 6 weeks' well-paid leave for dads: update
Despite decades of progress towards greater sharing of caregiving, the ‘mother as primary caregiver, father as main breadwinner’ model...

Jul 9, 20233 min read
Our call for a rethink on paternity and parental leave: sign + share our new parliamentary petition
A coalition of charities, advocacy organisations and researchers have joined the Fatherhood Institute in sending an open letter calling...

Jun 20, 20238 min read
How six weeks' leave for dads could bring billions to the UK economy
Every year, for one week out of 52, there’s a good chance of fatherhood becoming part of the national conversation, thanks to Father’s...

Jun 15, 20236 min read
Workhorse fathers: why it's time we gave UK fathers a break
In our previous blog, we presented new analysis of how much an average-earning, full-time employed UK father stands to lose financially...

Jun 11, 20236 min read
What price for time with dad? The UK's £1k-per-father paternity leave gap
As our inboxes and timelines fill with the usual torrent of Father’s Day marketing offers, now’s a good time to reflect on how much value...

Apr 26, 20232 min read
Why we need six weeks' well-paid leave for new dads
Latest figures show that the UK’s gender pay gap is now 14.9% – which is higher than the EU average (12.7%). How can we address this...

Dec 19, 20224 min read
Closing the Gap: UK fathers doing 18% more childcare since pre-pandemic
Closing the Gap – a new Fatherhood Institute analysis of official figures – shows big increases in time spent by working fathers on...

Oct 3, 20224 min read
Half of UK parents not happy with paternity packages offered by employers
A new ‘Paternity League’ Table released today (4 October 2022) by childcare service Koru Kids, shines a spotlight on the most and least...

Jul 11, 20222 min read
Only a third of UK dads take paternity leave: why?
Statutory paternity leave and pay in the UK is among the lowest in Europe. The pay rate is lower than the minimum wage, and represents...

Jul 7, 20212 min read
Does the shared parental leave scheme discriminate against fathers?
When Baz Price (pictured above) and his wife Laura decided that he should take shared parental leave to look after their baby when she...
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