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Workhorse fathers: why it's time we gave UK fathers a break
In our previous blog, we presented new analysis of how much an average-earning, full-time employed UK father stands to lose financially...
Jun 15, 20236 min read

What price for time with dad? The UK's £1k-per-father paternity leave gap
As our inboxes and timelines fill with the usual torrent of Father’s Day marketing offers, now’s a good time to reflect on how much value...
Jun 11, 20236 min read

Only a third of UK dads take paternity leave: why?
Statutory paternity leave and pay in the UK is among the lowest in Europe. The pay rate is lower than the minimum wage, and represents...
Jul 11, 20222 min read

Does the shared parental leave scheme discriminate against fathers?
When Baz Price (pictured above) and his wife Laura decided that he should take shared parental leave to look after their baby when she...
Jul 7, 20212 min read
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