Join our Dads' Panel
Help shape our future strategy
We’re not a fathers’ organisation, but dads are at the heart of what we do. We take your experiences, viewpoints and perspectives very seriously, and our Dads’ Panel offers a way for interested dads from all walks of life to help inform our work

Learn more about our campaigns here
UK fathers are more involved as hands-on parents than ever before. But the UK’s family policies and services are decades behind – still built around the assumption that mothers care while fathers earn.
That’s why, 25 years after it launched in 1999, the Fatherhood Institute continues to work, on many different fronts, to build a society that values, prepares, and supports men as involved fathers and caregivers.
What is the Dads' Panel?
The Dads' Panel is a diverse group of fathers from across the UK who take their caring responsibilities seriously – and who come together online once every three months to provide feedback on the Institute’s work, help us plan our future strategy, and contribute to our advocacy.
You don’t need to have any particular qualifications, just believe in our cause and:
Be willing to share your story, be identified as a Panel member, and help us promote it to other dads
Tell us what you think of the resources we produce
Share our work through your networks
Take part in relevant research studies, campaign actions, events and optional media opportunities
We ask for a minimum of 1 year’s commitment to the Panel. That means coming to four online meetings of 1-2 hours each, helping spread the word about our work, and responding to occasional requests for feedback about specific resources, media opportunities etc.​
Share your advice
​We're creating a collection of real-life fathers' best advice for coping with the challenges of fatherhood, as a resource to share with our followers. Add your best advice here.
Support our campaigns
We do not receive any funding for our policy work, including our campaigns. Help us continue applying pressure for meaningful change by joining the movement today