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Pile of Newspapers


We write for, and are quoted and cited regularly in national, international, and specialist press. Below you will find some examples.


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We write blogs in connection with our research and policy workstreams - read them here.


The Lead: Paternity leave in the UK is on its knees

Our 'six weeks for dads' campaign was referenced in an article addressing the issue of paternity leave in the UK, and what needs to change

Should footballers get paternity leave_.jpg.webp Football's paternity leave problem

Our Deputy Chief Exec, Dr Jeremy Davies, was quoted in an article on the toxic culture within top football clubs around taking paternity leave

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The Independent: Stay-at-home dads are being left out of the parenting conversation

Our Deputy Chief Exec, Dr Jeremy Davies, as well as Fatherhood Institute analysis of ONS data, were quoted in an article on stay-at-home dads

HR Magazine: Under 2% of working dads take shared parental leave

Our Deputy Chief Exec, Dr Jeremy Davies, was quoted in an article covering new research by the Dad Shift on the low and skewed uptake of shared parental leave

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Men's Health: Why new dads need support

Our Deputy Chief Exec, Dr Jeremy Davies, was extensively quoted in an article by Men's Health launching the new Fatherhood Institute campaign 'looking out for dad'

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Personnel Today: Just 45% of top employers offer equal parental leave on full pay

Our Deputy Chief Exec, Dr Jeremy Davies, was quoted in the press release for the Parental Leave Database, developed by Inspiring Dads and 

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Financial Times: How teens affect working parents

Our Deputy Chief Exec, Dr Jeremy Davies, was quoted for an article investigating how flexible employers are with staff who need to care for older children

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Channel 5: More paid off time for dads?

Our Deputy Chief Exec, Dr Jeremy Davies, was a guest speaker on the Jeremy Vine & Storm Huntley topical debate show, addressing our campaign for six weeks for dads

People Management: 'Not good enough' - paternity leave 'significantly stalling' gender equality, research suggests

Together with other key organisations, we were quoted in this article calling on organisations to capitalise on 'appetite for change' by offering longer, and better-paid leave for new fathers 

Personnnel Today: New fathers 'forced' to take holiday to top up paternity leave

We were quoted in this article outlining research by Zurich UK about the ways in which new fathers take leave, and the value it holds for them

The Telegraph: Why being a good dad matters so much (at every stage of your child's life)

We were quoted and our PIECE research referenced in this article outlining the distinctive impact fathers have on their children's development, from infancy all the way to adulthood

i news: I’ve gone part-time because the UK’s paternity leave is so bad

We were quoted in this first person reflection on the current state of UK statutory paternity leave, and advocating for improvements

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People Management: Call for more help as survey reveals many fathers cannot afford to take paternity leave

We were quoted and our analysis cited as one of the experts commenting on the poll by Pregnant then Screwed in collaboration with Women in Data, which revealed a systemic problem with the UK's parental leave system

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BBC News: New paternity rules in England, Wales, and Scotland

Our Deputy Chief-Exec, Dr Jeremy Davies, was interviewed alongside Joeli Brearley of Pregnant then Screwed on BBC News about the new changes to paternity leave and pay, introduced on 8th March

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BBC News: Paternity leave - call for more help as fathers cannot afford time off

Kristian Johnson quoted us in a BBC News article about new paternity leave rules coming in to effect on 8th March, and how the changes don't go far enough

Nursery World: Open letter demands Government give parents a 'better deal' with early years provision

We signed an open letter published by Plum, a smart money app, demanding that the Government do more to reassure and support parents in terms of early years provision

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People Management: Bill to guarantee day-one leave and pay for bereaved single parents passes crucial first stage

We were quoted in an article about the new bill - we argue that it does not go far enough, and present an alternative, more effective solution to benefit all families

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The Guardian: 'I was grieving but couldn't admit it' - why men cope so badly with miscarriage

We were quoted in a feature about men's experience of loss, and how they are learning to help each other come to terms with what might have been

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Creative Brief: Why fatherless family advertising is dangerous

Our Head of Impact & Communications, Dr Jeremy Davies, wrote for Creative Brief about why John Lewis' festive ad should have embraced dads

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Grazia: We need to support dads from day one - not shut them out'

Our Head of Impact & Communications, Dr Jeremy Davies, wrote for Grazia about the evidence of fathers importance, from birth through to early adulthood, regardless of whether they live full-time with their kids

Father helping son with homework
The Guardian: Fathers have 'unique effect' on children's educational outcomes, study finds

The Guardian reports on the Paternal Involvement & its Effects on Children's Education study, of which we are co-investigators

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The Sunday Times: Dads under pressure - are modern fathers getting a raw deal?

Simon Usborne quoted us and cited our research in a Sunday Times feature about the lack of attention to fatherhood in UK policy

HR Magazine: Government's split paternity leave reform slammed as missed opportunity

HR Magazine reported on our open letter to Secretary of State for Business & Trade, and Minister for Women & Equalities, Kemi Badenoch.

The Guardian: More men want to be stay-at-home dads and better fathers. Why won't politicians help them?

Our Head of Impact & Communications, Dr Jeremy Davies, wrote for the Guardian about the need for policy to catch up with the reality of fathers' experiences and aspirations

The Guardian: Number of stay-at-home dads in UK up by a third since before pandemic

The Guardian quoted our Co-Chief Exec Adrienne Burgess, and cited our research, in its Christmas Day 2022 headline story about changes in fatherhood since the Covid19 pandemic

The Globe and Mail: It took a pandemic to change fatherhood - and for these dads, there's no going back to 'normal'

The Canadian Globe and Mail cited our research on fatherhood during lockdown

The Guardian: Want gender equality? Then fight for fathers' rights to shared parental leave

The Guardian quoted our Co-Chief Exec, Adrienne Burgess, and cited our Fairness in Families Index, in a piece about shared parental leave

The Huffington Post: Maternity services must modernise and take dads seriously

Our Head of Impact & Communications, Dr Jeremy Davies, wrote for the Huffington Post about involving dads being intrinsic to providing the best possible service for mums and babies

Radio 4 Today Programme: Everything works against fathers

Our Co-Chief Exec, Adrienne Burgess, critiqued the shared parental leave scheme on the Radio 4 Today programme

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