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Our campaigns

Where there are obstacles standing in the way of progress towards more father-inclusive policy and practice, we tackle these in a variety of ways - including, sometimes, 'going public' via a campaign. 


Our campaigns vary in their scope, audience, and the kinds of actions we call on supporters to take.

Pledge your support to accelerate the movement for lasting, transformative change for fathers by becoming a Fatherhood Institute supporter today

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Men in the early years campaign
Man holding child as they kiss his nose
Six weeks for dads

Join our campaign for a better paternity offer for Britain's fathers


Supporting the early years sector to gender-diversify its workforce

Time with Dad

Improving the support men get to spend time caring for their children

We want all UK fathers to have the right to six weeks’ well-paid leave in their baby’s first year, as a minimum.


Following our successful Parliamentary petition last year, we are continuing our campaign to influence the next Government to reform the statutory paternity and parental leave system. 


Visit our campaign webpage to find out what we're calling for, why change is needed, what we're doing, and, crucially, how you can help. 

Our Men In The Early Years campaign works to improve recruitment and retention of men by the early years education and childcare sector.


Men currently make up only 2% of the workforce: a percentage that has barely changed for the last quarter-century.


Our MITEY website offers information for men interested in early years careers, and resources, including the MITEY Charter, to help early years providers develop male-friendly strategies.


We also offer audits and training, and provide insights to the press.  

Our #timewithdad hashtag campaign aims to highlight the need for cross-cutting policy and practice reform to support paternal caregiving, in line with our organisational strategy.


We want the Government, employers, family services, and parents themselves to recognise that children need #timewithdad - proven to optimise their health, wellbeing, and educational outcomes.


We want to nudge and amplify change in all these groups – so we encourage you to tag us and use the #timewithdad hashtag to highlight your own experiences and ideas about how fathers could be better supported to spend time with their children.


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By giving today, you are helping to create a more equitable society in which both mothers and fathers are valued and supported as carers

For press enquiries only:

NOTE we do not fundraise in person, only online - if you are approached by someone claiming to represent FI, please take their details and report them to Action Fraud, do not give them any money

Registered address: 57 Chevening Road, London SE10 0LA

© Copyright The Fatherhood Institute 2023. Registered charity number: 1075104.


Private limited company number: 03709549. VAT registration number: 763194319

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