Our impact
Learn more about what we achieved in 2023-24 by reading our annual report:​​
For previous years' annual reports, please visit the Charity Commission website - where you will find short summaries of our work and funding over the last five years
You can find supplementary information in the Research and Policy sections of this website

Impact highlights 2023 - 2024

*At the Houses of Parliament: a fatherhood policy roundtable, an oral evidence session at the House of Commons Health & Social Care Select Committee men’s health inquiry, and the launch of the First 1001 Days Coalition Manifesto for Babies. In addition, a keynote at the Book Trust Cymru Early Years Partner conference, and an Agenda Dad presentation, feeding into the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fatherhood.

*Professionals including including midwives, health visitors, early years educators, early help, early intervention, family support, social workers, therapists, educational psychologists, Family Nurse Partnerships, teachers, youth workers, youth justice, police, domestic abuse services, mental health and local authority leaders and councillors
**Based on 225 evaluations from 10 courses delivered in 2023-24

*Key reports: What a difference a dad makes (PIECE study final report, funded by ESRC) and The kids are alright: Adolescents and their fathers in the UK ( a research review, a review of data in six longitudinal studies and a research gaps and recommendations report, funded by Nuffield Foundation)
Our funders
We would like to thank all our funders for their support over the years.
Our work has been supported by grants and project-based funding from the UK Government (especially the Department for Education), the European Union, the Economic and Social Research Council, and various other organisations, including:
We have also received funding from numerous local authorities, for commissioned services.
If you would like to support our work, you can view our research partnership offer or make a donation