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Happy Girl with Glasses
Working together to transform society to recognise, value, and support men as involved fathers and caregivers - for the benefit of all

Why partner with us

We are the UK's leading voice on fatherhood thanks to our respected research outputs, impactful policy work, and successful training offer. Join the movement for lasting, transformative change for fathers, families, businesses, and society.


Partnering with us is an excellent way to engage your team, boost brand recognition, and unite stakeholders behind a vital mission.

Ways to partner

We offer mutually beneficial partnerships delivering positive impact for your employees, for your business, and for wider society. Each partnership is bespoke, catering to your needs and interests - but all serve to strengthen your brand objectives whilst raising awareness of, and advancing, our policy work.


Partnerships could include:


Training & DEI support: up-skill your leaders and managers

HR support for father-inclusive policies 

Consultancy and audit

Interactive webinars and/or events


Research: gain knowledge to underpin decision-making

Sponsor, commission, and/or co-create a research project in areas of particular interest to your business


Branding: make a statement about your business values

Collaborate on a new product or service

Dedicate a percentage of sales from a specific product to us

Reach new audiences via our social media channels


People: boost employee-engagement by looking beyond work

Spotlight our work as your charity partner of the year

Enable employees to donate to us through their salaries, if they choose

Take action

Get in touch to discuss your needs and interests, and what a bespoke partnership might look like for your organisation




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By giving today, you are helping to create a more equitable society in which both mothers and fathers are valued and supported as carers

For press enquiries only:

NOTE we do not fundraise in person, only online - if you are approached by someone claiming to represent FI, please take their details and report them to Action Fraud, do not give them any money

Registered address: 57 Chevening Road, London SE10 0LA

© Copyright The Fatherhood Institute 2023. Registered charity number: 1075104.


Private limited company number: 03709549. VAT registration number: 763194319

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